
  • I. E. Drapun


pelagic ostracods, distribution, species diversity, South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre


Species composition of ostracods from different regions of the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre has been analyzed using species diversity indexes, calculated for each region. The lowest values of ostracod species diversity have been recorded in the West Winds Drift (WWD) and Falkland Current (FC); the highest – in the southeastern area of the Central Gyre. The numerical distribution of ostracod species in the Central Gyre was more homogeneous, than in waters of the currents, where prevalence of separate species is occurred: Pseudoconchoecia serrulata – in FC and in the west part of WWD; Discoconchoecia elegans (1.6 – 1.8 мм) – in the east part of WWD; D. elegans (1.1 – 1.5 мм) – in the Brazil Current; Mikroconchoecia curta – in the South Equatorial Current.


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