
  • G. V. Ivanovich
  • V. I. Lisovskaya


mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, glycogen, and lipids, Odessa Bay, northwestern Black Sea


The features of content of glycogen and total lipids as well as their interrelations were studied in the body of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamark in foulings of hydrotechnical reinforcements near Lanzheron Cape in Odessa Bay. In spring glycogen was accumulated and its content reached maximum - 3.3 – 4.9 % wet weight in June – July. Then the glycogen content decreased in the second half of summer to 1.2 – 1.6 % and restored less intensely to 1.8 – 3.3% wet weight towards autumn. Maximum content of lipids was recorded in May (average 1.3 % wet weight) and in October (1.5%). In summer (July – August) content of lipids were found minimum – 0.8 %. Accumulation and expenditure of glycogen and lipids are linked with functional processes of the life cycle in the mussel organism. The most favourable state of mussels has been registered in the zone of free water exchange. The indices studied
are close to that is similar to that in natural habitats in Odessa Bay.


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