
  • E. А. Kuftarkova
  • V. І. Gubanov
  • N. P. Kovrigina
  • І. Y. Eremin
  • М. І. Senicheva


Sevastopol bay, mussel farm, thermohaline structure, hydrochemical parameters, an eutrophication index E-TRIX, number and biomass of phytoplankton


There are adduced data on a thermohaline structure of waters, hydrochemical parameters (oxygen, рН, nutrients) and phytoplankton obtained in 2002 – 2003 in a region between the exit from Sevastopol bay and an experimental mussel farm. It is ascertained that in the investigated period in comparison with 1986 – 2000, in the region of the exit from the bay there was a decrease of average ammonium in 5.5 times, nitrites – in 1.8, phosphates – in 1.5, organic phosphorus – in 1.3 and silicates – in 2 times, that testifies to the decrease of an anthropogenic load in Sevastopol bay. At the same time, the increase of average nitrate and organic nitrogen concentrations in 1.5 times because of rains and high waters on the Black and Belbek rivers during surveys was noted. The concomitant temperature and salinity variations are sited. A water eutrophication index (E-TRIX) was calculated. It is obtained, that it changed from 1.27 to 4.85 in the studied region; the maximum ratings were noted at the exit from the bay, minimum – at the control station. At the farm average E-TRIX was 2.73. Outgoing from E-TRIX, the regions of the exit from the bay and the mussel farm can be categorized as an aquatorium of a mean trophic level. There were compared phytoplankton number and biomass of past years with ones obtained now. It is ascertained, that the maximum values of phytoplankton biomass in spring were in 2 – 6 times, and in summer – in 3 – 13 times lower than in 70 – 80th of the past century. At the exit of Sevastopol bay there was registered winter blooming of water, that didn’t observed earlier. Essential influencing of Sevastopol bay waters on the hydrochemical structure, the taxonomic composition and quantitative development of phytoplankton at the farm is not revealed.


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