
  • A. N. Khanaychenko
  • Y. E. Bityukova


Black Sea turbot, food web, pigmentation, melanophore, lipophore, guanophore, differentiation


Comparison of the food web effect on development of pigmentation (chromatophore complex) in kalkan, the Black Sea turbot (BST), Psetta maxima var. maeotica, was carried out during different periods of development: from start of exogenous feeding till the onset of metamorphosis (3 - 18 dph) and from the onset till the last phase of metamorphosis (18 – 60 dph). Replicate groups of BST splitted from the same batches were fed either typical marine, consisted from cultured calanoid copepods Acartia tonsa (group MZ), or artificial food web consisted from brackish water rotifer Brachionus plicatilis followed by Artemia metanauplii (group BZ). To approximate fatty acid composition, all prey were enriched to obtain similar DHA and EPA contents and ratio. Both MZ and BZ groups, exhibited normal pigmentation on macro-level at the end of experimental periods: symmetrically pigmented before start of metamorphosis, and asymmetrically, unpigmented right and totally pigmented left side at the end of metamorphosis. Differences in chromatophores complexes of MZ and BZ were observed on micro-level. MZ group before start metamorphosis (18 dph) presented regular pigmentation patterns generated from alterations of dendritic red lipophores and grayish strictly organized highly dendritic
melanophores, corresponding myotomes, with the zone free from melanophores in proximities of the lateral line. Alternative group BZ presented dark black mal-organized melanophores prevailing over presumably yellow-orange round lipophores distributed chaotically and not presenting melanophore-free zone near the lateral line. While splitting feeding during metamorphosis (18 - 60 dph), MZ and BZ chromatophore complex differed in colour hue, structure and distribution of melanophore, lipophore and, especially, guanophore pigment cells. Possible role of moderated by different food carotenoid composition fms-gene expression in chromatophore differentiation is not denied.


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