
  • Т. А. Нгуєн
  • М. В. Шадрiн

Ключові слова:

комплексне управління прибережними зонами, прибережні зони, В’єтнам


Прибережна зона В’єтнаму – одна із найбільш понадексплуатованих в світі, що спричинює деградацію екосистем і шкоду для здоров’я людей. Впровадження Комплексного управління прибережними зонами є надзвичайно важливим завданням для країни. Проаналізовано і описано минулу політичну, правову й організаційну структуру, пов’язану з управлінням прибережними зонами, і обрисовано науковий базис для нової стратегії, сформульованої в статті. Обговорюються її мета, завдання, перші кроки і пріоритети на найближчі 10-20 років.


Belfiore S. Recent developments in coastal management in the European Union // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2000. - 43. - P. 123 - 135.

Christie P. Is integrated coastal management sustainable? // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2005. - 48. - P. 208 - 232 p.

Chua T. E., Scura L. F. (eds.). Integrative Framework and Methods for Coastal Area Management // ICLARM Conf. Proc. No. 37. - Malina: ICLARM, 1992. - 230 p.

Chua T. E. Integrated coastal management in Tropical Developing Countries: Lessons Learned from Successes and Failures // MPP-EAS Tech. Rep. 4. - Queon city, Philippines: GEF/UNDP/IMO Reg. Progr. on the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas and Coastal Management Center. - 1996. - 124 p.

Chua T. E., Huming Yu Integrated coastal management practices in East Asia // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 1998. - 38. - 186 p.

Chua T. E, Ross S. A. Pollution prevention and management in the East Asian Seas. A paradigm shift in concept, approach and methodology // MPP-EAS Tech. Rep. 15. Publ. by GEF / UNDP /IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas, Philippines. -1998. - 45 p.

Chua T. E. (Ed) Integrated Coastal Management in Tropical Developing Countries // MPP-EAS Report No 4. - 1997. - 180 p.

Cicin-Sain B., Knecht R. W. Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management. Concepts and Practices. Island press, 1998. - 211 p.

Environment Protection Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Integrated Coatal Management: Practical experiences in Vietnam. - Hanoi, 2003. - 136 p.

Gupta M., Fletcher S. The application of a proposed generic institutional framework for integrated coastal management to India // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2001. - 44. - P. 757 - 786.

Hoi N. C. Marine resources and environment. - Hanoi: Nat. Univ. Publ. House, 2005. - 306 p.

Huu Tho. For public and private harmonization // Newspaper "Security in the world". - Hanoi. - 2006. - No. 62. - P. 8 - 9.

Kay R., Alder J. Coastal planning and Management. – Lnd. & N.Y.: E&FN SPON Routledge, 1999. - 375 p.

Kennish M. J. Estuary Restoration and Maintainance. - CRC Press, 1999. - 359 p.

Belfiore S. Recent developments in coastal management in the European Union // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2000. - 43. - P. 123 - 135.

Christie P. Is integrated coastal management sustainable? // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2005. - 48. - P. 208 - 232 p.

.Chua T. E., Scura L. F. (eds.). Integrative Framework and Methods for Coastal Area Management // ICLARM Conf. Proc. No. 37. - Malina: ICLARM, 1992. - 230 p.

Chua T. E. Integrated coastal management in Tropical Developing Countries: Lessons Learned from Successes and Failures // MPP-EAS Tech. Rep. 4. - Queon city, Philippines: GEF/UNDP/IMO Reg. Progr. on the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas and Coastal Management Center. - 1996. - 124 p.

Chua T. E., Huming Yu Integrated coastal management practices in East Asia // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 1998. - 38. - 186 p.

Chua T. E, Ross S. A. Pollution prevention and management in the East Asian Seas. A paradigm shift in concept, approach and methodology // MPP-EAS Tech. Rep. 15. Publ. by GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas, Philippines. -1998. - . 45 p.

Chua T. E. (Ed) Integrated Coastal Management in Tropical Developing Countries // MPP-EAS Report No 4. - 1997. - 180 p.

Cicin-Sain B., Knecht R. W. Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management. Concepts and Practices. Island press, 1998. - 211 p.

Environment Protection Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Integrated Coatal Management: Practical experiences in Vietnam. - Hanoi, 2003. - 136 p.

Gupta M., Fletcher S. The application of a proposed generic institutional framework for integrated coastal management to India // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2001. - 44. - P. 757 - 786.

Hoi N. C. Marine resources and environment. - Hanoi: Nat. Univ. Publ. House, 2005. - 306 p.

Huu Tho. For public and private harmonization // Newspaper "Security in the world". - Hanoi. - 2006. - No. 62. - P. 8 - 9.

Kay R., Alder J. Coastal planning and Management. – Lnd. & N.Y.: E&FN SPON Routledge, 1999. - 375 p.

Kennish M. J. Estuary Restoration and Maintainance. - CRC Press, 1999. - 359 p.

Lam M.T. et al. Application of environmental economy to assess the development of resources and environment in the industrialization and modernization period in southern key economic zones // Proc. Nat. Conf. Environment. - 2005. - P. 1739 - 1753.

Lau M. Integrated coastal zone management in the People’s Republic of China - An assessment of structural impacts on decision-making processes // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2005. - 48. - P. 115 - 159.

Lau M. Coastal Zone Management in the People’s Republic of China: A Unique Approach? // China Environment Ser. - 2005. - 6. - P. 20 - 123.

Masahiko I. A theory of integrated coastal zone management in Japan. - Tokyo, 2005. - 231 p.

Milne N., Wright R., Christie P. A Review of integrated coastal management Educationl material in the Philippines and Indonesia: Matching materials with needs // Coastal Management. - 2004. - 32. - P. 61 - 75.

Nagothu U. S. Integrated coastal zone management in Vietnam: Present potentials and future challenges // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2005. - 48. - P. 813 – 827.

Nguyen T. An (Ed.) Integrated coastal Management in Binh dinh province.Vietnam-India cooperative project. - Hanoi, 2003. - 250 p.

Nguyen T. A. Approach to integrated coastal zone management in Vietnam for sustainable development // Proc. Sci. Conf. “Bien Dong–2002”. - 2002. - P. 15 – 28.

Nguyen T. A. The immediate ecological and economic issues of the coastal areas of Vietnam // Vietnam Ocean. - 2004. - No. 10. - P. 6 - 7.

No.41 NQ/TW The Resolution of Politic Bureau of Vietnam Communist Party: The Environmental protection under modernize. - Hanoi, 2004. – 25 p.

Olsen S., Christie P. What are we learning from tropical coastal management Experiences? // Coastal Management. - 2000. - 28. - P. 5 - 18.

Peng B., Hong H., Xue X., Jin D. On the measurement of socioeconomic benefits of integrated coastal management: Appl. to Xiamen, China // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2006. - 49. - P. 93 - 109.

People's committee of Danang province. Integrated coastal management strategy. – Danang, 2001. - 66 p.

People's committee of Quangnam province. Strategic oriention on sustainable development in Quangnam (2006 – 2010). Documents of Agenda 21. - Quangnam, 2006. - 97 p.

Pollnac R. B., Pomeroy R. S. Factors influencing the sustainability of integrated coastal management projects in the Philippines and Indonesia // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2005. – 48. - P. 233 -251

Sekhai N. U. Integrated coastal zone management in VietNam. Present potentials and future challenges // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2005. - 48. - P.813 - 827.

Shadrin N. V. Sustainable development: what is it and how to start it in a city / Problems of sustainable development of coastal cities and towns. - Sevastopol: Aquavita. - 2002. - P. 11 - 23 (in Russian).

Shadrin N. V., Pavlova E. V., Alemov A. S. et al. Sevastopol aquatory and coast: ecosystem processes and services for human society. - Sevastopol: Aquavita Publ., 1999. - 289 p. (in Russian).

Sorensen J. National and international efforts at integrated coastal management: Definitions, Achievements, and Lessons // Coastal management. - 1997. - 25. - P. 3 - 41.

Stojanovic T., Ballinger C. R., Lalwani C. S. Successful integrated coastal management: measuring it with reseach and contributing to wise practice // Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2004. – 47. - P. 273 - 298.

Thao N. H. Marine environment pollution in Vietnam: Legislation and practice. - Hanoi: Statistical Publ. House, 2003. - 78 p. 50. UNEP/SCS/GEF National report on land-based marine pollution in Vietnam. - 2004. - 136 p.

United Nation Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) Agenda 21. – N.Y.: UNCED, 1992. - 370 p.

Wang Y., Zou X., Zhu D. The utilzation of coastal tidal flats: a case study on integrated coastal area management from China / Eds. B.W. Flemming et al. Muddy coast dynamics and resource management. - London, 2000. - P. 287 - 294.


