Cyclopoida, Crimea, saline waters, alien speciesAbstract
For the first time in the Crimea 4 species of Cyclopidae at salinities above 100 and up to 210 ‰ were found; earlier in the Ukraine and in Europe cyclops not were recorded at such high salinities. Some of the recorded species exhibit an extreme halotolerance. Diacyclops bisetosus Rehberg, 1880 is the most common and abundant one in saline and hypersaline waters of the Crimea, showing a high level of euryhalinity. Mesocyclops isabellae Dussart & Fernando, 1988 and M. pehpeiensis Hu, 1943 – Asian species, which noted for the first time in Europe, Eucyclops roseus Ishida, 1997, also the Asian species, only once has been found in Europe (Germany). It is assumed that these copepod species are alien and have been transported in the Crimea by migrating birds.
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