
  • K. М. Khailov
  • A. V. Prazukin


biology, ecology, natural history, biospherelogy, biosphere, ecosystem, globalization, hierarchy, life, habitation, humanity, species diversity, crisis tendencies, V.I. Vernadsky


Biology and ecology became the essential parts of the contemporarily natural science in the beginning of XXI century. The main historical events in world-wide science are the shift of central scientific focuses: 1) from organisms, their species and diversity to ecosystems and their own diversity; 2) from trophic relations in biotic communities to biogeochemical relations in ecosystems of different size and type and in whole biosphere; 3) Among the main factors defined biological productivity, became not so intenal factors, but the boundary conditions on the surround territories; 4) The boundary conditions on territories defined firstly general concentration and activity of the main external nutrients and antropogenic chemicals; 5) The interdisciplinary topics and methodology became the most preferable.


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