
  • V.V. Portianko
  • О.Ye. Uzun



contour biotopes, Harpacticoida, Copepoda, meiobenthos


In the article there are research results of comparative analysis of the species structure of crustaceans Harpacticoida (Copepoda) in the meiobenthos of different contact zones in the north-western part of the Black Sea. The fauna of harpacticoid copepods of contour biotopes in NWBS during the study period numbered 76 species belonging to 46 genera from 23 families. The largest number of species of harpacticoid copepods (44 species) was registered on the pelocontour. The lithocontour and psamocontour had 39 and 34 species of harpacticoids, respectively. The smallest number of species (19 species) of harpacticoid copepods was registered on the potamo contour. Cluster analysis of the harpacticoid species number in contour biotopes showed that the fauna of the potamocontour is similar to other contours by only 20.07 %. The similarity in the species composition of the peloton and lithocontour is 52.27 %, and the species diversity of the potamocontour harpacticoids is similar to them by 42.85 %. Common to all contour habitats are 6 species: Ameira parvula parvula, Dactylopusia tisboides, Ectinosoma melaniceps, Harpacticus flexus, Harpacticus littoralis, Laophonte elongata elongata. Vegetation of the OMR lithocontour had the largest number of species (35 species, which is 46 % of the total number of species), and near 24 species of snakes were noted. Almost the same number of species was observed at the stations remote from the shore and near the shore. The smallest number of species was noted on the interstitial supralittoral of the psamocontour, and their number was almost three times greater in the upper sublittoral. The Pelocontour of Yagorlytska and Tendrivska counted 34 species of harpacticoid copepods, and in the OMR – 21 species. The coastal part of the potamocontour is characterized by the greatest species diversity (Margalef index – 1.3±0.1, Shannon index – 1.7±0.3; Simpson index – 0.8±0.05).


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