
  • E. L. Nevrova


Bacillariophyta, benthic diatoms, benthos, Zernov’s Phyllophora field, Northern-western part of the Black Sea, taxonomic distinctness indices


Based on sampling data from 68 cruise of “Professor Vodyanitsky” (November 2010) at the area of Zernov’s Phyllophora Field (ZPF) on soft bottom at the depth range 19 – 48 m, 160 species and intraspecific taxa of benthic diatoms were marked. In comparing with previous studies in 1989, obtained data extend our knowledge concerning benthic diatom flora of the area on 117 species. Summarizing the results of all studies, in microphytobenthic assemblage of ZPF 218 species and infraspecific taxa of benthic diatoms were recorded; 3 genera and 36 species among them are newly-found to the Black Sea flora, and 3 species were described as new to science previously. Low similarity between diatom taxocenes of ZPF and Crimean coast was marked and greater one between ZPF and Northern-western part of the Black Sea was noted. The structure of diatom taxocen of ZPF different significantly from the structure of Bacillariophyta of the entire Black Sea, due to presence of high share of monospecies branches in the hierarchical tree of the investigated area. At the hierarchical structure of diatom taxocene of ZPF 7 monospecies branches closing on the high hierarchical levels of family or order were marked, which the highest taxonomic rank of exclusiveness have been assigned. Decreasing of taxonomic diversity and reducing of taxonomic tree structure in the study area, compared with those in the NWBS and the Crimean regions was found, which may be caused by a constant negative impact. The values of taxonomic distinctness indices for ZPF (Δ+ = 83.7, Λ+ = 331.4) are higher significantly than the average values of TaxDI, which were calculated for the entire Black Sea diatom flora (Δ+ = 82.2, Λ+ = 316.3). This fact allows to characterize the structure of a hierarchical tree Bacillariophyta near ZPF as having unevenness and high variability features.


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