
  • A. Yu. Varigin


Idotea balthica basteri, cycle of development, seasonal dynamics of quantitative parameters, fouling community, coastal zone, Odessa bay


The seasonal changes of quantitative development of Idotea balthica basteri in the fouling community of the Odessa Bay, Black Sea are shown. The variations of parameters of abundance and biomass of the crustaceans are depended on their breeding cycle in the coastal zone. The intensive reproduction of this species occurred in spring, when the seawater temperature increasing above 10°C. The greatest abundance of I. balthica basteri recorded in summer, but the greatest biomass – in winter. The massive migrations of these crustaceans from the coastal zone to the deeper water layers are recorded in late summer. In the Odessa Bay I. balthica basteri does not reach the maximum sizes, which are typical for the Black Sea individuals.


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