
  • E. V. Anufriieva
  • N. V. Shadrin


Copepoda, Arctodiaptomus salinus, hypersaline lakes, osmolytes, Crimea


A. salinus inhabits the Crimean lakes under the salinity from 5 to 210 ‰. The earlier experiments have shown that the upper salinity limit of the species is 70 ‰. Authors explain this discrepancy of field and experimental data that at salinities above 100 ‰ copepods consume exoosmolytes, mainly from food. A. salinus is an osmokonformer, to survive under osmotic stress it utilizes mechanisms of cell level - accumulates the osmolytes. We found A. salinus under high salinities, where Dunaliella salina blooming observed. D. salina intensifies the synthesis of osmolytes under high salinities; they can be up to 80 % of the dry weight of the cells. Probably A. salinus gets enough osmolytes by consuming Dunaliella to live under salinities above 70 ‰.


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