northwestern part of the Black Sea, zooplankton, Crustacea, Cladocera, abundance, biomassAbstract
In this article we investigated a long-term change of the Cladocera biomass and abundance as well as its main species: Penilia avirostris Dana, 1849 and Pleopis polyphemoides (Leuckart, 1859) in the zooplankton in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. The zooplankton samples were taken by the Institute of Marine Biology expeditions in 2007–2024 in the Odesa marine, Danube and Dnieper regions. It was detected 24 species of the Cladocerа. Most of them belong to typical habitats of the NWBS marine water but freshwater and oligogalline species are also known. But only P. avirostris and polyphemoides are playing a key role in forming quantitative indicators of zooplankton. It was established that the maximum value of Cladocera biomass and abundance were observed in 1979–1986. The minimum value was in 2005, 2008, 2014 and 2016. In the modern stage of the ecosystem development in all NWBS aquatorias a similar value of Cladocera biomass and abundance was observed. In the seasonal dynamics of the Cladocera biomass, two maximum values were observed: at the end of the phenological spring – first half of the summer that caused P. polyphemoides develop and at the end of the summer – autumn that caused P. avirostris develop. At the same time second maximum is bigger than the first as a rule. It was detected that Cladocera biomass values are higher than during the “ecological norm” period and almost less twice than during the period of anthropogenic eutrophication. At the same time P. avirostris as an organism with a long life cycle is better developed than P. polyphemoides at the current stage.
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