Black Sea, Odesa Bay, coastal protection structures, periphyton, meiofauna, macrofaunaAbstract
The article provides a comparative description of ecological indicators of meio- and macrofauna groups according to data from 1991 and 2023 on coastal protection structures (traverses and breakwaters) in the Odesa Bay of the Black Sea. According to observations in 2023, representatives of 10 groups were noted in the meiofauna of coastal protection structures: Nematoda, Harpacticoida, Ostracoda, Turbellaria, Halacaridae, Gastrotricha, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, and juveniles of Bivalvia and Balanus. The average indicators of the total number of meiofauna were 896203±99230 ind.∙m-2, while its permanent component (eumeiobenthos) represented 44.8% (401946±76703 ind.∙m-2). The share of representatives of the temporary component (pseudomeiobenthos) was 10.4% higher (494257±77148 ind.∙m-2). If in 1991, nematodes dominated in number (56.2%), then in 2023, juvenile bivalves and polychaetes dominated the dominant group in terms of settlement density. In the fouling (periphyton) of concrete hydrotechnical structures, 43 taxa of macrofauna were registered: annelids – 10, molluscs – 9, crustaceans – 21, representatives of other groups – 3. In May–November 1991, 38 taxon’s were found. In 2023 compared to 1991 year, the proportion of sestonophages in the composition of the population was almost twice as large, and the proportion of detritophages was half as small. Among the main taxonomic groups, the number of taxa was dominated by crustaceans (21), by the number (64.4%) and biomass (88.6%) – molluscs; among the trophic groups – by the number of taxa (14) detritophages, by number (81.9%) and biomass (98.0%) – sestonophages. Compared with 1991, there have been some changes in the structure of the periphyton cenosis. The average number of macrofauna was 1.5 times higher, and the biomass was 1.3 times lower. The average number of mussels was 2 times lower, and their biomass was 2.2 times lower.
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