military actions, Kakhovskaya HPP, Black Sea, disaster, abiotic indicators, biota, anomaliesAbstract
The paper presents the results of the research of the Institute of Marine Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the impact of the consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovka Reservoir dam on the ecosystem of the Black Sea shelf of Ukraine. Expeditionary research was conducted in June–August 2023 at 11 sampling sites of the sea coast from the village of Koblevo to Cape Velykyi Fontan. The hydrological and hydrochemical parameters, water toxicity, the state of biotic communities (micropsammon, meiobenthos, macrozoobenthos, phytobenthos, phytoplankton, zooplankton) and aquatic bioresources were analysed. Satellite data was used to obtain chlorophyll a concentration. To assess the extent of the ecosystem’s response to the effects of the Kakhovka Reservoir’s water intrusion, for the abiotic and biotic components, anomalies were identified, which were calculated as the percentage deviation of the indicator value in the period June–August 2023. from the regional norm for the specified period. The “explosive” phase of the impact lasted about three months from the onset of the disaster on 6 June 2023. In August 2023, most indicators returned to the regional average. The discharge of the Kakhovka Reservoir waters into the marine ecosystem resulted in desalination of the sea on the Odesa coast to 3.95‰, a decrease in the oxygen saturation of the sea surface layer by less than 75%, an increase in the concentration of ammonium nitrogen to 13.8 threshold limit value and the occurrence of acute lethal toxicity. An increase in the concentration of chlorophyll a and the blooming of blue-green planktonic algae were recorded. In the bottom communities, the development of macrophytobenthos was suppressed, abnormal changes in the values of macrophyte surface indices, and significant changes in the structure of zooplankton communities were observed. The deaths of freshwater fish species that got into the sea waters and the massive death of the Black Sea mussel in the amount of about 105 million individuals and 3.7 thousand tonnes of biomass were noted. A generalised assessment of the abiotic and biotic indicators anomalies during the first three months of the “explosive” phase allowed us to identify four stages: I – hydrological, hydrochemical and physical explosive impact, with priorities for significant anomalies in river flow and salinity reduction (6–11 June); II – explosive biota reaction with priorities for acute reactions of the phytoand zoocomponents (12 June – 10 July); III – high level of production and destruction processes (11 July – 10 August); IV – return to the regional level (11–31 August).
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