
  • S.V. Stadnichenko



Mytilus galloprovincialis, interannual changes, production, viability, sediment type, hydrochemical parameters of the environment


The article presents the results of comparative analysis of population characteristics, i.e. biomass and abundance, total annual production, P/B-ratio, survival of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 from the benthic assemblages of the open part and the coasts of the Odesa marine region for the period 2005–2020, depending on depth (6–23 m), sediment type (soft-silt, sand, shells, hard-rocks and rocks), hydrochemical parameters of water environment and bottom sediments. The number of mussels in settlements varied from 74 to 5220 specimens per m-2, averaging 1104±131 specimens per m-2, and varies with depth under the influence of the average length of the individual in settlements. The changes of population are affected by seawater transparency, phosphates and heavy metals (e.g. copper and zinc) content in bottom sediments. The mussel biomass is varied from 57,7 gˑm-2 to 17510,0 gˑm-2 on soft substrates, to 28849,7 g∙m-2 on hard substrates, varying over years. The total annual production varies in wide range, from 31.1 gˑm-2 year-1 in silt to 11066 g-m-2 per year-1 in hard substrate, significantly differing by sediment type. The dependence between the annual changes of total annual mussel production on seawater transparency, the content of suspended forms of heavy metals, i.e. copper and nickel in water, nickel in bottom sediments, content of total phosphorus and suspended matter was determined. The regression equation for dependence of total annual mussel production on substrate type was justified. The annual P/B-ratio in mussel settlements in the open part of the Odesa region varied from 0,38 to 1,58, with average of 0,70. The total average weight of the mussel in settlements on different substrate types (silt, sand, shell, stones) varied from 0,277 g to 8,088 g, with an average of 2,822±0,163 g. The parameters of mussel phenotypic structure depend on surface water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen content of demersal water layer. To be able to obtain express predictive estimates of mussel viability level in bottom settlements on different substrate types, dependence between viability and average mussel weight were determined.


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