
  • A.I. Lepekha
  • Yu.V. Karavanskyi
  • V.V. Zamorov
  • Yu.V. Kvach



mariculture, estuaries, prawns, non-native species, salinity


One of the famous items of commercial breeding in the East Asia is oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense (de Haan, 1849)). Recently, the spread of this species in the water bodies of Southern Ukraine has been observed. In general, in Ukraine this species inhabits the lower reaches of rivers and coastal lagoons with salinity of 1.5–6%. Thus, the oriental river prawn is a species that has potential for development of fisheries and mariculture and requires study of its adaptiveness to conditions of brackish waters of Southern Ukraine. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study in which water salinity the oriental river prawn reproduces most effectively. Plankton larvae survived the first three days equally in all experimental conditions, from 0 to 10%. On the third day, the complete death of all zoea was noted in fresh water. In the rest of the aquariums, the larvae matured to the postlarval stage with the survival rate of 46% at 3%, 39% at 5% and 47% at 10%. The data obtained in this experiment confirm that the Oriental river prawn prefers for reproduction brackish water bodies with salinity up to 10%. These data fully correspond to the distribution of this shrimp in the waters of Southern Ukraine, where it occurs from completely freshwater lakes and rivers to brackish lagoons and estuaries with salinity up to 6%. Takin into account that the survival of zoea in salinities of 3, 5 and 10% has almost no difference, we claim the possibility to develop the prawn aquaculture in coastal water bodies with the salinity level up to 10%.


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