
  • A.Yu. Varigin




macrozoobenthos, Tyligul estuary, northern Black Sea


The species composition and quantitative characteristics of the macrozoobenthos in the Tyligul estuary, located in
the northern Black Sea region 60 km northeast of the city of Odessa, were determined. The material was collected in May and September 2021 at 17 stations located in the form of sections that passed from one shore of the estuary
to the other. In the spring of 2021, 20 species of invertebrates belonging to the following taxa were identified as part
of the macrozoobenthos community of the Tyligul estuary: Polychaeta – 4 species, Cumacea – 1, Isopoda – 2, Amphipoda –
5, Gastropoda – 2, Bivalvia – 5, Chironomidae – 1. Amphipod crustaceans and bivalve molluscs each accounted for
25% of all detected species. The most significant factor determining the species diversity and quantitative development
of the macrozoobenthos of the estuary was the depth of the habitat of invertebrates, which varied from 1,5 to 13,5 m
at different stations. The key species of the macrozoobenthos community of the Tyligul estuary were the bivalve molluscs
Mytilaster lineatus (Gmelin, 1791), Cerastoderma glaucum (Bruguiere, 1789) and Abra segmentum (Recluz, 1843).
In the spring of 2021, the average abundance of M. lineatus was 25385±6803 ind.·m-2, which was 80,4% of the total
abundance of all macrozoobenthos, and the average biomass was 8525±1042 g·m-2 (75,2%). The invasive bivalve species
Arcuatula senhousia (Benson, 1842) was discovered for the first time at the station located near the exit of the channel
connecting the estuary with the sea. This opportunistic species can pose a serious threat to the development of the local
bivalve Mytilaster lineatus. The autumn samples showed a substantial reduction in the quantitative parameters of benthic
invertebrates compared to the spring samples. In some areas of the estuary, the deadly phenomena led to the total death
of all benthic organisms. In general, in recent years, the species richness of the macrozoobenthos of the Tiligul estuary
has decreased by three times compared to 1970–1980.


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