
  • O.V. Koshelev
  • S. Ye. Dyatlov



heavy metals, accumulation, psammocontour, Pontogammarus maeoticus, Khadzhibey estuary


The content of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Hg) in the components of the aquatic environment (water, bottom sediments and crustaceans Pontogammarus maeoticus (Sowinsky, 1894) of the Khadzhibey estuary psammocontour was determined. Samples of crustaceans Pontogammarus maeoticus, water, bottom sediments of the Khadzhibey estuary were taken within the administrative boundaries of the village of Altestove, the village of Kholodnaya Balka and in the area of biological treatment plants BTP «Pivnichna» of city Odesa in August–September 2020. The study showed a high anthropo-technogenic load on the psammocontour of the Khadzhibey estuary. The average chromium content in the water of the psammocontour of the Khadzhibey estuary was thirty times higher than the established MPC values for fishery reservoirs; mercury twice; copper four times in the wastewater discharge zone of the BTP «Pivnichna» and twenty-seven times near the village of Kholodnaya Balka; nickel twice about the village of Kholodnaya Balka and four times in the area of the BTP «Pivnichna». Bottom sediments in the wastewater discharge area of the BTP of city of Odesa (Northern Plants) have the highest content of heavy metals compared to other stations, with the exception of chromium, the level of which was minimal here. The obtained average indicators of heavy metals in the components of the aquatic environment of the Khadzhibey estuary are the following regressive series: Cr> Ni> Cu> Cd> Hg (water); Cr> Cu> Ni> Cd> Hg (bottom sediments); Cu> Cr> Ni> Cd> Hg (crustaceans). Using the bottom accumulation coefficient and the accumulation coefficient, the intensive, as compared to water, accumulation of pollutants in bottom sediments and crustaceans of the psammocontour of the Khadzhibey estuary is shown. Bottom sediments of the psammocontour zone are highly deposited medium in the wave-break zone of the Khadzhibey estuary. The results obtained make it possible to consider P. maeoticus to be an effective concentrator of heavy metals, especially copper, and capable of informatively reflecting the status of chemical pollution of the aquatic environment in the wave-break zone of continental brackish water bodies.


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