
  • Z. Z. Finenko
  • N. Hoepffner
  • R. Williams
  • S. A. Piontkovski


carbon:chlorophyll a ratio, light, temperature, nutrient-limitation, photoacclimation, microalgae


A review was carried out on the effects of light, temperature and nutrient limitation on the carbon to chlorophyll a ratios of 36 microalgae species from 7 taxonomic groups using the literature and our own experimental data. Under similar conditions the C:Chl a ratio for individual taxonomic groups increase in the order: Chlorophyceae < Bacillariophyceae, Prochlorococcus < Prymnesiophyceae < Cyanophyceae < Dinophyceae. At constant temperature, the C:Chl a ratio increases linearly as light increases and decreases exponentially as temperature grows at constant light level. The combined effect of irradiance and temperature on C:Chl a ratio is described using an equation with 3 coef-ficients. From the empirical equation a decrease in the light levels causes a decrease in the effect of temperature on the C:Chl a ratio. In all algae groups studied different light levels increases the C:Chl a ratio in the same way under nutrient limitation. Taking into account, the taxonomy of the phytoplankton, nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth rate, temperature and light intensity the C:Chl a ratio within the mixed layer in the oligo-, meso- and eutro-phic waters of the tropical Atlantic Ocean was 145, 96 and 37 gC gChl a-1 respectively. Near the base of the euphotic zone the ratio was 30 gC gChl a-1. From the developed equation the C:Chl a ratios in phytoplankton under different environment conditions can be described.


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