
  • V. M. Egorov
  • G. G. Polikarpov
  • S. B. Gulin
  • Ju. G. Artemov
  • M. A. Stokozov
  • S. K. Kostova


the Black Sea, gas bubble streams, methane flux, carbonate chimneys, bacterial mats, radiocarbon age


Results of investigations are summarized concerning the recently discovered in the Black Sea phenomenon of methane gas bubble streams. The generalized location map of observed gas bubble streams in the Black Sea is shown, statistics of water depth at seepage areas and the vertical extension of gas bubble streams in water column are adduced. Data on physical-chemical properties of gas bubbles are outlined, including gas composition, size distribution, velocity of emersion and evaluation of area averaged methane flux into the water column as well. Analyzes is done on methane seeps influence upon primary production, back-scattering layers and physical-chemical transformation of mercury forms. Data are discussed obtained from chemical, isotopic and microbiological investigations of plate and coral-like carbonate chimneys collected at the seepage areas. Genesis of methane in the Black Sea is examined in view of a question regarding the prospects for hydrocarbon deposit in the basin.


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