
  • V. V. Trusevich
  • A. Y. Stolbov
  • O. Yu. Vyalova
  • T. P. Kondrat’eva
  • A. L. Morozova
  • G. E. Shulman


ecophysiology, Mytilus, sewage, respiration, ammonium, O/N ratio


Respiration and nitrogen excretion rates along with its ratios have been studied in Mytilus galloprovincialis from the regions of both clean and chronic impact of sewage waters. It was shown that sewage effect cause a decrease of oxygen consumption rate in mussels. Under short-term autogen hypoxia in the mussels from sewage water, critical levels of water oxygen saturation limiting the respiration rate are lower in mussels from sewage impact water as compared to the mussels from pure water biotopes. Protein-nitrogen substrates are the most important in metabolism suggesting that the mussels from the sewage impact biotope is less stable to the effect of unfavourable factors. Oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion rates as well as O/N ratios may be fine indicators of condition of natural mussel populations.


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