
  • G. V. Losovskaya
  • I. A. Sinegub
  • A. A. Rybalko


polychaetes, fouling, benthos, abundance, biomass, Odessa port


On the large actual material (222 fouling samples, 123 benthic samples), which was collected in 2001, the species composition, quantitative development of polychaetes and their ecological structure in the area of Odessa port have been studied. 19 species of polychaetes have been recorded (17 species are benthic forms and 9 species are found from fouling of hydrotechnical constructions). The most abundant species were Neanthes succinea, Polydora limicola and Heteromastus filiformis. Intra-epibionts dominated among basic vital forms from fouling and benthos. Polyphages prevailed in fouling samples, polyphages and detritophages – in benthos. Mean abundance and biomass of polychaetes in fouling were higher, than in benthos; on shelly matter higher, than in mud. In the area with relatively free water exchange the mean abundance was 4 times higher, and the mean biomass was 5 times more than in an area with limited water exchange.


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