
  • V. N. Eremeev
  • S. G. Demyshev
  • T. V. Chudinovskikh
  • A. S. Zapevalov


Black Sea, radioactive isotopes, pollution, imitation modeling


On the base of imitation numerical modeling consequences of the Chernobyl accident are analyzed as well as two scenarios of hypothetically possible radioecological catastrophes resulting from activity of sources on the bottom and lateral boundaries of the basin. To set initial and boundary conditions in the first case, in situ data are used. Numerical analysis of evolution of Chernobyl radionuclides concentration fields and their comparison to in situ radioisotope data are done. It is shown that the area of high pollution levels found in June 1986 near the coast of Crimea resulted from transfer of contaminated water masses from the East part of the sea. Analysis of possible consequences resulting from escape of radioactive matters from a container located at 2000 m depth in the central area of the sea is accomplished. It is shown that for the first two modeling years pollution of the near bottom layer of the sea is taking place. Then contaminated waters rise into intermediate layers. At the third stage radioactive waters reach the upper 100 m layer and are carried intensively throughout the basin by the main Black Sea current. In the case of toxic matters output with Danube waters, for the first five months pollution of the Northwestern shelf is taking place. In eight months contaminated waters spreading along the Western coast reach the near Bosporus region. One and a half years later the entire sea basin is polluted.


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