
  • A. N. Petrov
  • E. L. Nevrova


diatom algae, Bacillariophyta, taxocenе structure, indicators, multivariate statistical analysis, heavy metals, chlorine-organic compounds, Black Sea


Applying algorithms of multivariate statistics, the comparative analysis of benthic diatoms taxocene structure obtained from Laspi and Sevastopolskaya bays (the southwest Crimea) is carried out. These bays substantially differ by content of heavy metals, chlorineorganic compounds and oil hydrocarbons in silty bottom sediments. In each of the bay statistically significant taxocenotic complexes and subcomplex groupings of diatoms were revealed on results of clusterization and MDS ordination. Most important indicator species, which are principally responsible for similarity within complexes, were marked. Inter-complex differences in taxocenes structure are most pronounced and caused by different response of discriminating species, determining most contribution to dissimilarity between complexes, to a high level of toxicants. Structural differences at subcomplex level are less pronounced and can be conditioned by similar reaction of respective discriminating forms, defining differences between groupings, upon joint influence of leading environmental factors within certain bay. Most significant discriminating species are determined, which ones can also be considered as indicators of the diatom taxocene’ condition at a comparative assessment of biotopes subjected to miscellaneous anthropogenic load. It is proposed to consider Tabularia tabulata, Amphora proteus and Nitzschia reversa as indicators of conditionally unpolluted biotopes, whereas Tryblionella punctata var. punctata, Diploneis smіthіі var. smіthіі,
Nitzschia sіgma var. sіgma, Fallacia forcіpata, Ardissonea crystallіna and Pinnularia quadratarea can be considered as indicators of biotopes subject to technogenic impact.


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