
  • A. P. Zolotnitsky


mussel, ontogenesis, power budget, somatic production, generative production, reproduction effort


Energetic balance and changes of somatic (Ps) and generative (Pg) production of Black Sea mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.) in ontogeny were investigated. In the process of individual growth the decrease of somatic production share takes place simultaneously with increase of generative production specific weight. The connection between them can be approximated by the equation of the following kind - Ps = 0.35·Pg -0..38. Increase of shell organic substance during 3 years period of growth has distinguished negative trend. The data about value of a reproductive effort (RE) for the Black Sea mussel and its ratio with specific generative production (PG) are adduced for the first time. PG in the process of growth fluctuates near the average value similar to 0.28, while RE increased and stabilized near asymptote close to 0.24.


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