
  • S. A. Piontkovski
  • S. Hameed


zooplankton, climate change, inter-annual variability, sea level pressure


The inter-annual variations of total zooplankton abundance in the Gulf of Maine (1961 - 1991), the North-East Atlantic (1961 - 1994) and the North Sea (1961 - 1994) were analyzed and related to the Icelandic Low and the Azores High atmospheric pressure systems. In a similar way the variations of zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Alaska (1956 - 1980) were related to the Aleutian Low pressure system. Cross-correlation and spectral density functions were calculated for the zooplankton and the pressure indices. Regional and global aspects of the relationship between the intensity of the zooplankton fluctuations and the atmospheric centers of action were analyzed. A discussion on possible mechanisms that may contribute to the dynamic links transferring atmospheric variation into observed changes in zooplankton abundance and biomass is included.


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