
  • P.V. Shekk
  • M.I. Burgaz




Shabolatsky estuary, ichthyofauna, species composition, salinity, connection with adjacent aquatories, anthropogenic transformation


As a result of a retrospective analysis of the Shabolatsky estuary ichthyofauna species diversity in the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of its ecosystem, it has been established that the formation of ichthyotsenosis depends on a number of abiotic and biotic factors.
The most significant of these are the physico-chemical indicators of the estuary water quality – primarily salinity and thermal regime. The composition of the ichthyocenosis is largely influenced, as well, by the connection with adjacent marine areas and depleted Dniester estuary. It is the importance of these factors that determine the spatial boundaries of water areas with different salinity to regulate the presence and distribution of marine, brackish water and freshwater ichthyofauna in sediments.
Several periods, which differ significantly in the degree of complex of abiotic and biotic factors influence on the reservoir ichthyofauna formation are distinguished. It is shown that during the years of estuarine waters salinization and limited communication with adjacent marine and freshwater areas there is a decrease in the fish species diversity in the estuary. Growth of the ichthyofauna diversity provides: desalination, free communication with the sea and the Dniester estuary, as well as large-scale acclimatization measures. The combined effect of these factors provided in the 1970–1990-ies the maximum diversity of the estuary ichthyotsenosis, which included 51-54 species of fish during this period. In total, from the 1950’s to 2014, there were 64 species of fish belonging to 25 families in the Shabolatsky estuary. Families most widely represented were Gobiidae, Cyprinidae, Clupeidae and Mugilidae. In recent years, against the background of the usual marine species predominance (52 %), the share of freshwater
and brackish water ichthyofauna representatives has increased (20 and 18 % respectively).
The composition of the Shabolatsky estuary ichthiocomplex depends more on the connection with the sea than with the Dniester estuary was established. At this time in its composition, it reminds such in 1970–1990 and 2001–2006, that is, in the most favorable periods that ensure the maximum variety of ichthyofauna.


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