
  • S.Ye. Dyatlov
  • S.O. Zaporozhets
  • L.Yu. Sekundyak
  • O.V. Kirsanova




granulometric composition, microplastic, petroleum products, organic carbon, sea sands, Odessa agglomeration


The studies were carried out on the following sea sands of the Odessa agglomeration: beach of Rybakivka, the sand bar of the Tiligul Liman, beaches of Grygorivka, Vapnyarka, Lusanivka, Dolphin, Starik, and the beach of Chornomorsk. Fractions 0.25–0.50 mm – 38.55±6.90 % and 0.50–1.00 mm – 25.35±4.49 % prevailed in samples of 100 g of sand. On the Luzanivka beach it was found the largest number of particles: microplastics (600), slag (75), dye (50), coal (30), rust (10). On the Grigorivka beach the number of microplastic particles per sample was 92, while on the other beaches their number ranged from 0 to 22. The highest content of white spherical microplastic was found on the Lusanivka beach in the 0.25–0.50 mm fraction (35) and in the <0.1 mm fraction (26). On Starik beach it was present in a noticeable amount in the fraction 0.5–1.0 mm (15) and in the fraction 0.10–0.25 mm (14). This type of microplastic was also found in the fraction of 0.25–0.50 mm on the beach of Rybakivka (22) and on the sand bar of Tiligul liman (21). Small amount of black microplastic was found on all beaches, with its maximum content on the beach of Vapnyarka in a fraction of 0.50–1.00 mm (6). Gray fiber was found only on two beaches, the Grygorivka beach (23) and on the sand bar of the Tiligul (7) in the 0.5–1.0 mm fraction. A significant amount of red fiber was found only on the Grygorivka beach in the 0.1–0.25 mm fraction (23) and on the sand bar of the Tiligul in the 0.5–1.0 mm fraction (8). Blue microplastic was found only on the beach of Chornomorsk in the fraction <0.1 mm. The largest amount of white fiber was found in the 0.1–0.25 mm fraction on the Lusanivka beach (23) and on the Grygorivka beach (16). Black microplastic and green fiber were found on several beaches in a minimal amount.


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