
  • E. L. Nevrova
  • N. V. Shadrin


benthic diatoms, Вacillariophyta, saline lakes, Crimea


As a result of complex researches of Crimean saline and hypersaline lakes of sea origin it is revealed, that photoautotrophes are represented mainly by unicellate microalgae (Вacillariophyta, Cyanophyta) and filamentous green seaweed (genus Cladophora), forming floating mats in hundreds square meters. Biomass Cladophora at depth of 35 – 45 cm in lake Bakal'skoe reaches 8 – 10 kg•m-2, the biomass of cyanobacterial and diatom epiphyton, changes from 50 up to 800 g•m-2. The total list of benthic diatoms of investigated Crimean saline lakes includes 74 species and intra-species taxa. Representatives of class Bacillariophyceae is most widespread and represented by 9 orders, 16 families, 21 genera, 64 species. Their share is 88 % of the total number of found taxons. The most dominant species of benthic diatoms of the Crimean salt lakes are polygalobic (31 %), mesogalobic (22 %) and meso-eugalobic (20 %). Alkalophilous and indifferentes to pH of water, concerning to borealic and cosmopolitan flora and tolerant enough to adverse environmental conditions are widely widespread. The following species are the new for the Black Sea: Nitzschia petitiana Grun. and Nitzschia gradifera Hust. Three species are reported for the Crimean water areas for the first time: Campylodiscus daemelianus Grun., Navicula reinhardtii (Grun.) Cl. and Cocconeis kujalnitzkensis Gusl. et Geras. Quantitative development of benthic diatoms in Crimean saline lakes is considerably (up to 888.2 × 109 cells •m-2, 760 g•m-2) that determines to their leading part in primary production of organic substance.


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