
  • V. G. Tsytsugina
  • G. G. Polikarpov


ionizing radiation, chemical mutagens, hydrobionts, and effective population size


On the base of elaborated criteria of the “critical” populations (species) identification, small benthic crustaceans are considered as the most vulnerable biological objects in relation to deleterious environmental factors. Experimental cytogenetic data on enfluence of ionizing radiation and chemical mutagens in different mutagene equivalent doses (i.e. doses inducing equal mean number of cells with chromosome aberrations in %) on Gammarus olivii and Idothea baltica posterity are generalized and analized. For the assessment of specimens reproductive contribution and hence effective population size (i.e. the number of specimens determing genetic structure of next posterities) a number of embryos with spontaneous chromosome mutagenesis is used as the criterion of postery of full value because embryos with higher level of chromosome mutagenesis are probably less viable. It is shown that potential reduction of effective population size and genetic variability may be abserved at mutagen equivalent doses 5 – 8 % if only small females with low fecundity breed however the dose 10 % is critical for the postery of small and big females.


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