
  • A. V. Kovalev
  • M. G. Mazzocchi
  • A. E. Kideys
  • V. A. Skryabin


zooplankton, oceanic, neritic-oceanic, neritic and narrow-neritic species, neritization


The plankton fauna neritization in the Mediterranean Seas basin is discussed. Neritization is an increase of the neritic species percentage in zooplankton composition from the Mediterranean to the Black and Sea of Azov; It has been shown that the percentage of oceanic species decreases considerably in the Mediterranean Sea, adjacent to Gibraltar strait if compared with the Atlantic region, and the share of neritic – oceanic and neritic species increases correspondingly. Some of these species were observed in the open sea. In the Black Sea, oceanic species are absent. Neritic – oceanic and neritic species, which came there from the Mediterranean Sea, are distributed through out the area. The shallow-water straits between the seas and considerable changes in salinity and temperature regime prevent penetration of oceanic and neritic – oceanic species into each following sea of the Mediterranean basin. Considerable decrease of each sea, increase of the shelf percentage, decrease in the system stability of the circulating currents, separating coastal waters, and these of central regions, facilitate spatial distribution of alien species all over with masses of the seas. The high abundance of neritic species in the Black and Sea of Azov central regions can be possibly explained by a decrease in number of competitors for food and predators (before introduction of Ctenophora Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865) and an increase in food concentration for zooplankton, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.


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