
  • S. A. Seregin
  • V. D. Chmyr
  • L. V. Kuzmenko


primary and bacterial production, distribution, Bransfield Strait


Investigations were carried out from 8 to 18 March 2002 during 7 UAE aboard the R/V “Horizont”. The mean value of primary productivity (PP) for whole study area in the euphotic zone was 144.0 ± 61.1 mg C m-2 d-1. Higher level showed Central and Northeastern zones. Higher values of bacterial production (Pb) were in the same zones. The highest assimilation number of phytoplankton was in the Central and Western regions, and minimal – in the Northern. P/B-coefficients of phyto- and bacterioplankton were higher in the Southeastern regions. Secondary production of bacteria made up about 10% of primary production, on the average for surface, and 51 % - for euphotic zone. There was no correspondence between alterations of primary and bacterial productions not only in the whole area, but in the separate zones, too. Bacterial carbon demand in the surface layer was covered, on the average for study area, by 25 – 50% of PP, produced by phytoplankton. For the euphotic layer the corresponding estimates surpassed level of 100%.


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