
  • Inna Eu. Drapun


pelagic ostracods, Halocyprididae, quantitative distribution, age structure, Bransfield Strait, Antarctica


Results of the study of pelagic ostracods (Halocyprididae) from the western Bransfield Strait are discussed. The data were obtained using zooplankton samples collected in March 2002 during the 7th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition. Maximum sampling depths varied from 200 to 1000 m. Eight halocyprid species were found. Three species were dominant throughout the entire sampling depth: Metaconchoecia isocheira (in the layers 0 – 500 and >500 m it contributed 44 and 31 % respectively to the halocyprid population), Alacia belgicae (28 and 23 %), and Alacia hettacra (24 and 21 %). The fourth species, Boroecia antipoda, was dominant >500 m (21 %). The other species found were Metaconchoecia skogsbergi, Proceroecia brachyaskos, Disconchoecia aff. elegans and Conchoecissa symmetrica, which occurred in small numbers at depths of 200 – 500 and >500 m, and at these depths the abundances and biomasses of the halocyprids were at their maxima. Few ostracods occurred in the upper 100 m, but their abundances increased along the frontal zone formed between the water masses advected in from the Bellinghausen and Weddell Seas. The populations of the ostracod species inhabiting water masses of these two Seas had distinctive age structures.


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