
  • O. A. Cherepanov
  • L. A. Levin
  • R. N. Utyushev


bioluminescence, plankton, correlation, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea


The correlation between vertical profiles of bioluminescence and data of 154 samples of phyto- and 206 samples of zooplankton has been studied. The explored region (Barents and Norwegian seas, 1984 – 1987) is strongly heterogeneous on water masses and, accordingly, on a specific composition of plankton community. The specific composition of plankton community is poor enough, which decrease stability of correlations. Besides, brightly expressed seasonal variability of plankton community was observed. However, even in these unfavorable conditions the bioluminescent analysis with acceptable precision can be used for estimation of number and biomass of zooplankton in an enough large time interval (April – August) and on an extensive heterogeneous water area (the coefficient of correlation of bioluminescence with a zooplankton biomass reaches 0.61). Use of bioluminescence for an estimation of the performances of phytoplankton community is restricted owing to the seasonal variability, during which percent of bioluminescent cells abundance varies on three orders.


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