
  • N.L. Finogenova



bivalve mollusk Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906), production characteristics, P/B coefficient, Black Sea, Odessa region


Based on various indicators of the mollusk mass (total, valves, wet and dry tissues) and the P/B coefficient were determined the characteristics of annual production for the bottom settlements bivalve mollusk Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) of the Black Sea Odessa region, There was revealed a share of annual calcium carbonate production in the total annual production of A. kagoshimensis.
The annual production of mollusk was calculated by one-time sampling as the sum of products of separate age groups. The age groups of mollusks were identified based on the determination of individual age by growth rings on the outer surface of the shell. The retrospective and observable values of the mollusk mass were determined by allometric equations using the average length of the mollusks of the current and previous age classes. To assess the role of morphofunctional characteristics in the variability of production indicators for mollusk from different areas, we used dispersive, correlation and regression analysis.
Analysis of the relationship between the production characteristics of the A. kagoshimensis bivalve mollusk that we received for the first time for its settlements in the Black Sea according to various mass characteristics (total, wet and dry tissues, valves) and the other population characteristics revealed a statistically significant dependence on biomass for all types of products. There are obtained corresponding dependencies.
The correlation between the P/B coefficient and the mortality rate Z is statistically significant.
The recieved production characteristics can be used for a comparative analysis of A. kagoshimensis populations in various biotopes of the Black Sea.


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