
  • A. V. Parkhomenko


nitrogen, excretion, zooplankton, Black Sea


The results of quantitative estimation of nitrogen excretion by zooplankton in deep-water area of the Black sea have been considered. The nitrogen excretion rate values by zooplankton in a layer 0 – 150 m varied from 20 to 23 mgN·m-2·day-1 in winter, 34 – 59 mgN·m-2·day-1in spring, 66 – 86 mgN·m-2·day-1in summer, 89 – 28 mgN·m-2·day-1 in autumn. The average regeneration primary production was 24 % in winter, 49 % in spring, 91 % in summer, 76 % in autumn, and 60 % for whole year. The problem of the role of regeneration flow nitrogen in primary production formation for the open part of the Black Sea is discussed.


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