
  • L.V. Kuzmenko
  • S. M. Ignatyev


phytoplankton, abundance, biomass, species composition, Argentine Islands, Antarctic


The results of studies of phytoplankton are presented for water near Archipelago Argentine Islands where the Ukrainian Antarctic station (UAS) Academic Vernadsky is situated. Water samples were collected in April-December 2002, January 2003 and March-April 2005. Abundance, biomass of phytoplankton, their seasonal dynamics, and species composition, dominating species, the terms of their blooming and succession of the whole phytoplankton community were studied first for the waters of the Archipelago. In 2002-2003, 126 species and interspecies taxons were found, with diatoms and dinophytes contributing 73% and 16,6%, respectively. 31 taxons were additionally found in 2005. The highest abundance and biomasses were observed during springsummer period when a bloom of small cells of the genus Phaeocystis was registered (up to 108.109 cells, 12.3 g.m-3). Diatoms (the genera Fragilariopsis, Achnanthes, Corethron) dominated (2.2.109 cells, 3.2 g.m-3) in November-December 2002 while in January 2003, the genera Cryptomonas, Pyramimonas were highly abundant (up to 300.109 cells, 120 g.m-3). The studied water areas can be defined as mesotrophic but for short time periods (not longer then 2 weeks) of phytoplankton bloom in spring and summer mounts, very high concentrations of microalgae were found, comparable with those in euthrophic waters of the World Ocean. In autumn and early winter when a depletion of phytoplankton vegetation is observed, the Archipelago waters become oligotrophic.


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