
  • E. L. Nevrova
  • A. N. Petrov


benthic diatoms, Bacillariophyta, taxonomic diversity, Black Sea


The list of benthic diatoms from five nearshore Black Sea regions: Caucasus, Crimea, North-Western part, Bulgaria and Romania, was constructed by results of unification and revision of literally and own data. This list is included 553 species (705 species and intra-specific taxa), belonging to 115 genera, 59 families, 31 orders and 3 classes of Bacillariophyta. The highest similarity on intra-specific, species and genus levels has been revealed between Crimea and NWBS (Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient reached to 77, 80 and 86 %, correspondingly) and the lowest similarity has been observed between Crimea and Bulgaria (53, 56 and 76 % for the same levels). Maximum interregional similarity on family and order levels was registered for Caucasus and Crimea (94.5, 93.9 %) and minimum was marked for Romania and Bulgaria (80.5, 80.9 %, respectively). By means of taxonomical analysis, the phylogenetically separated mono- and oligo-taxonomical branches on hierarchical tree of diatoms and the species attributed to such brunches in each region were identified. The rank of genetic exclusiveness for such species was also determined. As it was shown, presence or disappearance of such species can lead to pronounced changes in the total phylogenetic structure of taxocene in the certain region. Maintenance of invariable environmental conditions, especially for species which displaying the high rank of genetic exclusiveness should be considered as the priority-driven measure for conservation of diatom taxonomic diversity at the modern reclamation of nearshore biotopes.


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