
  • G. E. Shulman
  • V. N. Nikolsky
  • T. V. Yuneva
  • A. M. Shchepkina
  • L. Bat
  • A. E. Kideys


sprat, anchovy, fat content, food supply, temperature, competition, phytoplankton, stocks and yields, Black Sea


Long-term dynamics of fat content in sprat and anchovy of the Black Sea as food supply indicators were examined (considered) in connection with sea water temperature, phytoplankton concentration, stock biomass and catches of these fish species. Temperature is a global climatic factor influencing (forcing) directly and indirectly on food supply of small pelagic fishes of the Black Sea. Regional factors acting (affecting) on sprat and anchovy condition are food competition, river inflow, and sea water pollution.


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