
  • N. G. Sergeeva
  • V. E. Zaika


hydrogen sulphide zone, presence of Ciliophora, Black Sea


Preliminary data on presence of Ciliophora on deep-sea bottom (depth 120 – 230, 832, 1807 and 2075 m) in the Black Sea are presented. Samples were taken from 24 February to 10 March 2007 during RV Meteor cruise M72/2 MICROHAB. Ciliates were registered in all samples in near-bottom water, in detritus and in upper layer (0–1cm) of sediment. Different forms were present, including moving forms and attached, totally about 30 species (morphotypes). Individual sizes were from 80 –100 to 230 – 800 micron. Cell number of Ciliophora was from 1 – 16 to 223 in each sample. The biggest numberwas (156 – 223 cell/sample) at the depth of 160 – 170. Only 5 cells were registered in 1807 m and one by one cell in 832 m and 2075 m samples. Short review of Ciliophora species diversity in pelagic oxic waters and benthic oxic environment is present. The new data on presence of Ciliophora in permanently anoxic waters of Framvaren fjord and Cariaco basin are discussed.


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