
  • O. V. Krivenko
  • N. S. Gevorgiz
  • Z. Z. Finenko


fluorescence, chlorophyll


Spatial pattern and changing of vertical distribution of fluorescence in connection with hydrological, hydrodynamical and hydrochemical conditions in the Southern Black Sea in April – May 1994 have been considered using oceanographic interdisciplinary database ODBMS. It is shown fluorescence has unimodal vertical distribution in the 80 % of cases in that period. Mainly fluorescence maximum lie in the cold intermediate layer: between thermocline and main pycnocline under the low density gradients. Only a third of the fluorescence profiles has maximum coupled with thermocline. Cold intermediate layer fluorescence maximums are equal in size and lie in the narrow range of the density (σt from 14.3 to 14.5). In the cyclonic region fluorescence maximum set deeply, at the σt = 14.5 – 14.7. Influence of the nitrogen supply on the formation of the fluorescence deep maximum did not reveal.


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