
  • V. N. Egorov
  • Yu. G. Artemov
  • G. G. Polikarpov
  • S. B. Gulin
  • L. V. Malakhova
  • T. V. Malakhova


environmental hazard, methane gas bubble streams, Black Sea


The paper is related to assessment of environmental hazard from methane gas bubble streams associated with natural gas seepages, as well as caused by gas hydrate dissociation in the abyssal Black Sea and by possible disastrous gas flaring events due to geological cataclysms or mud volcano eruptions. It is shown that natural seepages are currently not a source of ecological disaster, but at gas releases from the bottom of the Black Sea caused by the gas hydrate dissociation and geological cataclysms the ship’s buoyancy may be lost in the gas-water mixture, and methane flare ignition in surface air can occur.


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