
  • A. N. Khanaychenko
  • V. E. Giragosov
  • D. V. Yelnikov
  • O. N. Danilyuk


Black Sea turbot, anomalies, pigmentation, eye migration


Analysis of pigmentation anomalies in the Black Sea turbot Psetta (= Scophthalmus) maxima maeotica (Pallas) from the Black Sea shelf southwest of the Crimean peninsula was carried out for the first time. The Black Sea turbot anomalies were referred to 2 types: primary and secondary pigmentation. Primary abnormal pigmentation of the BST and others Pleuronectiformes originating from ontogenesis disturbances are proposed to be divided into 6 categories depending on hypermelanisation degree on the blind side of the body. Complete pigmentation (ambicoloration) of the right side of a turbot body coincide (90 %) with abnormalities of eye migration. Share of abnormally pigmented specimens in 2005 – 2007 catches was evaluated as 9.8 %. The revealed anomalies are presumably caused by imbalances in the Black Sea turbot nutrition during the late planktonic phase of development and are fixed irreversibly during the metamorphosis.


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