
  • V. E. Zaika
  • N. G. Sergeeva


Protodrilus sp., Vigtorniella zaikai, benthic settlements, Black Sea


Specific meiobenthic community exists in the Black Sea area of oxic/anoxic interface. In rather thin layer of the biotope polychaetes Protodrilus sp. and Vigtorniella zaikai are dominating. Comparison of 1994 and 2007 data shows that the depth range of Protodrilus sp. became more narrow: in 2007 the species was found at 130 – 170 m, and maximal number dropped 30 times. Abundance of V. zaikai reduced in 2007 three times, and the depth of maximal number was registered at 160 m, i.e. shifted to greater depth. In age-structure of V. zaikai early stages were dominating.


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