
  • V. V. Suslin
  • Т. Ja. Churilova
  • H. М. Sosik


visible domain, remote sensing, absorption, chlorophyll a, colored dissolved organic matter, cyanobacteria, SeaWiFS, regional algorithm, Black Sea


Analysis of SeaWiFS level 2 product characterizing water leaving radiance nLw(λ) to l = 490, 510, and 555 nm bands has shown that indexes are characterized by significant uncorrelated annual dynamics in the Black Sea. Based on this feature regional algorithm of chlorophyll a estimation has been developed. It has been shown there are two types of a solution at the minimum, which represent the different character of light absorption in the water of the Black Sea in the band 555 nm. Analytical expressions for estimation aph (λ) and aCDM (λ) in the band 490 nm have been derived for the both solution types. The first solution (Deep solution) reproduces qualitatively and quantitatively seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll a concentration (Ca) observed in deep-water part. The second solution (Shelf solution) matches positively with in situ Ca data in shelf zones. Analysis of stability of the Deep and Shelf solutions to variables of water optical model has been done.


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