
  • Yu.V. Kharytonova
  • M.V. Nabokin




zooplankton, N. scintillans, monitoring, water quality, Black Sea


Water quality assessment is a key task of any measures in the field of water use, environmental management and environmental protection. Zooplankton organisms are sensitive to changes in the environment and can be used as indicators of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. One such organism is the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans (Macartney) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, Dinophyceae, Noctilucales. N. scintillans is a component of the mesozooplankton of the Black Sea, which is not part of the forage base of planktophagous fish and is characterized by a short life cycle. Due to this, it has an advantage in eutrophic conditions and can be used as an indicator of increasing trophic levels of the reservoir. To determine the quality of the studied waters of the Black Sea was used the biomass index of N. scintillans (%) of the total biomass of zooplankton. In the period from the 1970s (hypertrophication period) to 2010, the% of N. scintillans biomass from the total biomass of zooplankton in the Black Sea decreased annually from 60% to 10% in Odessa region (Dnipro-Bug region) and from 90 % to 15% in the Danube region. Such changes indicate a decrease in the impact of the negative eutrophication factor and indicate positive changes in the feed base of industrial fish planktophages and the ecological status of the Black Sea. Ecological quality status (GES/NotGES) was determined in the following regions of the Black Sea: the north-western Gulf of the Black Sea, the deep-water shelf, the shelf area and the Danube Avandelta. “Good” ecological status (GES) % N. scintillans of total zooplankton biomass was observed in all research areas of the north-western part of the Black Sea, as the percentage of N. scintillans of total biomass did not exceed 30%.


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