
  • L. I. Ryabushko
  • S. Besiktepe
  • D. Ediger
  • D. Yilmaz
  • A. Zenginer
  • V. I. Ryabushko
  • R. I. Lee


diatom, Pseudo-nitzschia, morphology, toxin, domoic acid, Crimea, Black Sea


Diatom of Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle producing of domoic acid has been for the first time found in the Crimean coastal waters of the Black Sea. The species has been isolated for cultivation and introduced in culture. Toxin concentration in cultivated diatom cells processed on F/2 and Gol'dberg mediums averaged to 0.43 pg·cell-1 and 0.145 pg·cell-1, respectively. Morphology, taxonomy, ecology and toxicological aspects of the species have been considered.


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