
  • V. N. Eremeev
  • O. G. Mironov
  • S. V. Alyomov
  • N. V. Burdiyan
  • T. V. Shadrina
  • E. A. Tikhonova
  • N. G. Volkov
  • M. I. Istomina


Kerch Strait, bunker oil, oil contamination, micro- and macrobenthos


About 1300 t of mazut have entered into sea in the Kerch Strait as a result of the shipwreck “VolgoNeft 139” in 11, November 2007. The data on visual observations and quantitative assessment of the sea and coast pollution during first 20 days after catastrophe are presented. Two specialized expeditions for the sea water, bottom sediments, coastal deposits and biological objects sampling were organized in December 2007 and March 2008. The concentrations of oil hydrocarbons in 58 % of water samples collected in the Tuzla Island area have considerably exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). The exceeding of MPC has been observed on 18 % stations in western part of the Kerch Strait. The concentrations of oil hydrocarbons in bottom sediments of the Kerch Strait were about 5 mg/100 g (60 % of stations), and hydrocarbon content in other samples did not exceed the levels typical for relatively clean and poorly polluted areas of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. Obtained results (December 2007 – March 2008) have shown that contrary to expectations the oil spill in the Kerch Strait did not exert a powerful impact on bottom communities collected on the depths from 5 up to 20 m. Abundance and some biochemical features of micro-benthos testify that self-cleaning of the area is not disturbed. At the same time, the complexity of region ecological situation requires further observations and complex monitoring for consequences of the catastrophe.


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