
  • E. S. Hubareva
  • L. S. Svetlichny
  • M. Isinibilir
  • G. Belmonte


mesozooplankton, biomass, abundance, survival, Acartia clausi, Acartia tonsa, salinity tolerance, respiratory rate, locomotory activity, Black Sea, Marmara Sea


In the Bosphorus area of the Black and Marmara Seas in October 2005 the biomass of fodder zooplankton diminished from 6102.6 to 2363.7 mg m-2 in the direction of the Marmara Sea due to pronounced decrease in the biomass of copepods Calanus euxinus, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Acartia clausi and A. tonsa. The share of dead individuals increased simultaneously. Maximum mortality (88 %) in dominant copepod A. clausi was found in the salinity gradient layer (25 – 38 ‰) of the Marmara Sea. In laboratory short-term experiments A. clausi collected in the Marmara Sea near the Bosphorus died after salinity increase from 18.9 ‰ to 29.4 ‰. Despite higher salinity tolerance of A. clausi sampled near the Prince Islands, these individuals cannot withstand long-term exposure to 39.8 ‰. On the contrary, A. tonsa survived successfully during salinity increase from 18.9 to 39.8 ‰. In comparison with A. clausi, A. tonsa possess higher levels of metabolism and locomotory activity.


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