
  • O. V. Krivenko


nitrate, ammonium, uptake rates, half-saturation constant, Black Sea


Relations between concentrations of inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) in the water and their uptake rates by phytoplankton in the Black Sea during the different seasons were analyzed based on data of nitrate and ammonium consumption. It is shown that this relation is described by the curve of saturation type, and its parameters change in accordance with the seasonal dynamics of hydrochemical conditions. Saturation constants calculated for the processes of nitrate and ammonium uptake are near to the monthly average concentrations of inorganic nitrogen in the surface layer. On the average, nitrate and ammonium uptake rates achieves a half from its maximal value. Thus dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration limits rates of their consumption only in two times. Summer phytoplankton takes up inorganic nitrogen more effectively under their low concentration in the environment as compared to a winter period.


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